Monday, December 21, 2009

Ohhhhooo.. I am lady! Finally :$

Today i met my friends Manfred and Ah Nee.. we had dinner at gurney plaza. Been long time did not meet at Gurney Plaza with them. We have chit chat, great food and salad, then i fast fast grasp him to shop with me, because he is my image Constance :)

Before that, while we have our dinner. He suddenly stop my conversation and said "Hey, you look like a lady today.." then i said "Thanks! Finally... " wuahhahahah!! Ah Nee shock! He explained, last time i not look like a lady or even girl :S because i did not know what a lady should have, should behave, should do, should wear... I used to always scold by him.. even i told him who i am i wishing that i can be, he replied me " NEXT LIFE LA" pengsan! wuahahhahah!! Think back.. i really learned hard! hmm..


Foot Massage... SonG!

Today i went to meet my temple's friends. One of them he suggest to gathering at his apartment. We went to his apartment, have great foods from his wife, visit his apartment because just renovated. Hmm.. great man, well utilized the place, i love it!

We watch movie together 周星驰 direct. We enjoyed very much! We have a good sharing on his new songs.. and of cause at that time.. i did my FOOT MASSAGE... wuahahhaha.. there is a machine there, i so enjoyed it. I can felt my foot, my blood flow, my heart beat.. hmm.. i think it is a good circulation. Wish i can have one too at my apartment! :p hahhaha!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Flamers Christmaz Party

HohO hOho... Today I have Christmas Mood!! Very Happy!!! :D Because... This year Flamers Party is today! Yippy! We all went to Mei Mei's bf house, all bring some food and present to exchange. See lyn lyn ho chiak curry chicken, uncle wong's fifi salad, aundy's Yummy Laksa and OO Chien from Air Itam (that i bought wuahahahah!)

The Theme of this year is "Character"- Me and fifi as Angels and Lyn lyn as Snow Man!! wuahahhaha! What a happy Christmas day! :D See see.. Beautiful SnowwoMan and two cute angels... :P

We all chit chat a lots this year.. not really play any game beside gifts exchange game... :p I did enjoyed it! Thanks for everyone to make it happenned. Hehe.. Tired! i really want to rest d! Nitety~ MUCK!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jog Jog Jog

Today, after worked i went to the kek lok si to have a little exercises, hehe.. JOGGING. Fresh air, good ppl around, monkey, birds, eagle! hmm... what a life! Thanks for my friend who accompany me there. MUCK! I was really enjoyed my day!

My Christmas Treeeeeeeeees!

Oh.. forgot to update about mine Christmas Tree this year.. hehhehe... i have been learned and learned how to make sure my Christmas tree look lau zuak! hahahha... I think this year is the most beautiful TREE i had so far!! Check it out! :p See see the ballerina fly on top of the tree.. sui bo??!! :) hmm.. now is only left the presents... YO YO! Any presents please!!??? :P wuahahahhahaha!

My Oyster Porridge! Yummy!

Today i have to worked from home because i need to wait for the next door who are technician that can help me to fix my phone line at my apartment. Though i can online via the line but i cant get ring tone from my house phone, since a few months ago that i not really notice it. I force to fix it because now a days i am back to Dell, i need the phone to dial in for training or meeting at night time. Hmmm.. it is so expensive, cost me RM90! hai....

While waiting them to fix, i don't have Internet to work from home, i started to put on my color lance, mascaras, eye liner, lip stick.. prepared to go office to continue work when they finish. Then there also has some times for me to
cook for my dinner, laundry hmm.. Still not yet fixed when time 12pm :S

Almost time 1pm, i finally get my Internet backup and also my phone! YIPPEE!!! I am so happy for that.. I continue to work on my stuff from home, then only realise that already pass 2.30pm.. My laziness started to think since i worked until 4pm, i decided continue stay at home to work until 4pm :p wuahhahaha... shh...

About 3pm.. wow i almost forgot i cook for my dinner -
Oyster Porridge! Yummy! See, nice ler.. hahahahha... YA, TRUE! Very tasteful. Hope i can cook as good as this next time. :P

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ohh!! Fashion Show!

Wow... this is really serious one! wuahahhaha!! That's why my friend keep asked me to dress up for that! hmm.. So do i look ready for that??!! YUP, I AM! I was so lucky to be there, but sad thing is the designer, Brandon Tan said this will be his last show in Penang!

Me and my friend both was the one go watch "The Sex in the City" together, we was admired how those girl's life and the most impress was those girls went to watch the high fashion show together. I never been to this type of the fashion show in Penang, those that the model walk right in front of you. This is the time for me to experienced it! Wow.. thanks to my dear lovely Dee!! Thanks for invited me to the great place, great show! I had great time over there..

Went we reached there, they served us wine! What a life style! We had some finger's food and wine, chit chat, looked around those fashion girls.. hmm too bad that Penang people not really into that Fashion Yet! :p

Then it's about to start the show, WOW man! I love the white cheong sam~ MUCK! and also the green piece.. hmm i wish i can have those! wuahahahahha.. but provided IF i got good shape of body too...

My friend wedding day!

Yesterday night i was went to my college friend - Swee Ann's wedding! What a great wedding dinner that i enjoyed, great singer sang all great songs!!!

Her father is a well know vocal teacher that been trained out a lot of great student that been win a lot of prizes. This is the first wedding for the family, so they have all greatest student to performed for her yesterday.

After attended her wedding, I slowly remember back all my times which i stayed at her house. I been rent a room in that house and been know the whole family members. She was my college mate and been very closed friend together at my college time..

I am very Happy for her, to see her get a great and sporting husband and in future i am sure she will have her own wonderful family! :)

Swee Ann ~ may you and your hubby HAPPY AND LOVE LOVE FOREVER ya! hehehheeh....
hmm.. on that night i took my own photo with my phone.. hehehe.. this is what my friend request for.. here you go.. nothing much .. still Elaine! :)

Volleyball competition!

That day I been nothing to do, my followed my friend to Golden Sand Hotel beach, they have the Volleyball competition, guess what!? Iron Lady the well know team from Thailand was there too..

It was fun to see them play Volleyball! When ever they get the point, they will shout like a girls "AH~~~" with the girl's movement, then hug each other after that will touch each other's butt ^^" hahahhahaha... It is really enjoyed to see them play. I really have fun and they really bring up the atmosphere.. I tried to catch the video but i was too lazy to walk near which under the hot sun!

After the competition, we did go walk walk under the sun on the beach for the foot massage! wuahahahah... how save we are (save the foot massage money :p) BUT!! dont know since when i am so scare to under the sun and I have to keep myself so protected.. but not bad too huh! hehehehe...

When i back to my apartment, i realised that i get Suntanned too... hmm... :(

ANYWAY, Thanks to my friend who bring me to that competition and the walked.. i really have a good time for that!! hehehhe... :)

My cute little Nephew

Oh.. i want to share this, he is so so so so cute!!! :) One day i went to my bro house, they all share the ice cream and sit there to have a family times together after dinner. My little Nephew come to me and took my handphone asked for the permission to play around, at that time i not sure what he press on.. but the end i just realise that he was play the video camera.. wuahahhaha.. he is so cute! Share with you all, enjoy...

Woo... Need to Start Action!

Hehe... since last blog that i promised to be updated blog until now i only start to Action!! Wuahahhahaha.. hmm.. My Life! My Experience! I hope I can share! BUT the most important thing is .. to note down my life so that i can remember every single moment i had been!

hmm.. start with what ler?! LET's Talk About my dearest turtles!
"I AM KING OF THE WORLD!!!" hehehe..

This is my new turtles after Pago.. i did not give him name because i am so miss Pago! so i just call them my cute little turtle.. One day, when i put them into the tank again from the bowl, i only realised that my little turtle, already grow bigger and bigger now~ WOW! See how proud He make me- he is like announce to the world that I AM KING OF THE WORLD! wuahahahhaha...

At first he got a friend accompany him, one in the evening, the friend leave him alone, he was so depress and sad.. i can see he less movement, less food, even tried to walk away when he saw me. Although i already agreed with someone that i wont get another turtles.. but I cant see him so sad, so the end i went to get him another two little turtles! They are really little, very cute!!! Now he is back! and they live well together :D

I love my Turtles!!! I told my friend that I need them, i cant see him sad. I promised to keep them healty, accompany and happy with me! I promise myself to make sure they grow bigger and gigger that until my tank cannot fit them. They are my friends, my dear and my love! Thanks for accompany me my dearest turtles!!! Muck!!!