Monday, December 14, 2009

Woo... Need to Start Action!

Hehe... since last blog that i promised to be updated blog until now i only start to Action!! Wuahahhahaha.. hmm.. My Life! My Experience! I hope I can share! BUT the most important thing is .. to note down my life so that i can remember every single moment i had been!

hmm.. start with what ler?! LET's Talk About my dearest turtles!
"I AM KING OF THE WORLD!!!" hehehe..

This is my new turtles after Pago.. i did not give him name because i am so miss Pago! so i just call them my cute little turtle.. One day, when i put them into the tank again from the bowl, i only realised that my little turtle, already grow bigger and bigger now~ WOW! See how proud He make me- he is like announce to the world that I AM KING OF THE WORLD! wuahahahhaha...

At first he got a friend accompany him, one in the evening, the friend leave him alone, he was so depress and sad.. i can see he less movement, less food, even tried to walk away when he saw me. Although i already agreed with someone that i wont get another turtles.. but I cant see him so sad, so the end i went to get him another two little turtles! They are really little, very cute!!! Now he is back! and they live well together :D

I love my Turtles!!! I told my friend that I need them, i cant see him sad. I promised to keep them healty, accompany and happy with me! I promise myself to make sure they grow bigger and gigger that until my tank cannot fit them. They are my friends, my dear and my love! Thanks for accompany me my dearest turtles!!! Muck!!!


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