Friday, December 26, 2008

My family Christmax gathering !

haha... what a christmax gathering that my elder bro have in his house. We all enjoyed a lot! :D

There was a santa, BBQ, all my relatives :) Was a very happy gathering! :D

My GrandSon Visit! :)

Oh, forget to update that i was so happy that my lovely grandson Azman visit me before christmaz. He treat me a very good Korean Food.. Yummy! haha...
THanks for so special chirstmax present! :D Grandma hope i got great great grandson too .. :P hehe.. workhard ya my dear grandson! :)

Dong Zhi Day!

This year at the day of Dong Zhi, i met auntie who stay at my place offered me to eat Dang Yuen (汤圆), i told her that i dont want to get old so i dont want to eat!
BUT the end....
I keep on thinked of Dang Yuen and really WANT to eat it... :S
Thanks for my friend hunt it together with me.. hahaha.. we have a great adventure to hunt it.. :p been round half of penang island to find the Dang Yuen.. :P haha.. Although the Dang Yuen not really good but i was very satisfied :)

What a Merry Christmas!

This year is a very special Christmas for me...
all this years I have been joined my friends to have a carolling everywhere.. hmm you might be think why I said special, because my Christmas eve and Christmas day I always fully book and very busy, busy singing here and there to let others happy :p haha.... but this year, I have a normal Christmas like others, ppl make me happy and I have a great turkey meal on my Christmas eve and Christmas day with my lovely friends! :D

Thanks to all,
This year i hope i can have Turkey meal,
Happened that i got a great turkey Meal! :D yummy!
This year i though no more carolling, because everyone was busy or sick,
but happened that we did sang and bring ppl happy and joy! i am so happy!
This year i out of sudden i want to eat the Christmas fruits cake, i get to eat too..
I wish i can spend time with my friend, it happened too.. i am so so so happy!
Thanks to my friends and the universal to get
all my wish come true!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sri Villa 10yrs ANNIVERSARY!

Last 3 months i have been busy for teaching those cute cute kids in taska. Hmm... i have been long long time did not teach in taska.. lost touch.. haha.. dont know how to start and teach at first.. :p
But they all seem good, of course with the help of MISS GOH! Thanks for MISS GOH to help on polish up they all clean clean and white white.. :p hahah..

Opening Dance- Hips Dont Lie!


Line Dance

hmm.. Although those dance and kids not so OHM!! but i think is a good start for me.. again.. :p
Thanks for Miss GINA the Principal of taska gave me a chance
Thanks for Miss GOH this year of Organiser that letting my phone number sitting in your phone list so long! :P
Thanks for the KIDS make me laugh and joke while dance session.. hahaha..!

Miss you all!


Today again is a boring Evening for me.. hehe.. actually can said i a bit lazy to go out there to work.. :p So I worked and organiced on my pictures.. then i Saw this picture~ OH.. i so miss when i was skinny .. :p hahah.. looks like i have to start my diet plan :) Besides, i want to win a meal from Elvis Tang! hahaha.. Kampate !

I need to Prepare food for one Party!

OPS... What Should I COOK!! help help! :(


I did a big big mistake.. :S i forgot my dearest DEE YINN's birthday ! iiii mmmm so osososo sorry darling! hmm.. should call her up yesterday. Again.. my customer called up got urgent issue asked me to help - (hospital) so i have to go and busy for whole evening and night.. :(
Sorry Darling DEE YINN! :( my mistake. Please forgive me!

Friday, December 12, 2008


hehe... NOw a days i got turtle! :) the one i love the most is PAGO!! She is so active at first. A few months later she sick.. worried me.. :( but now She started active back! YEAH! PAGO love you much! MUACK!

Pago got friend also... that is from SANTANA, he asked me to help him to take care.. because the turtle been bully by his big turtle.. hmm.. try to imagine that.. hahaha.. i watch cartoon too much. :P Now He is good. I will try to let him grow bigger then only i will let him and Pago to stay together.. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who Want To Join?! :)

Lets organise makan makan and present exchange! Lets set it on 32 Dec 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Father BirthEgg!!

Hahaha.. i like this clip very much specially you view the end of the clips.. My Niece just like me.. :p Like CHOCOLATE very much! YUM YUM.... :p but i more su boon... hahahhahaha... Enjoy!


Monday, December 8, 2008

Yeah! My Christmax 3

Yeah Yeah! My christmax 3 already setup, waiting for presents ler..

:P hehe.. lets cerebrate! Our dear Gha Hong going to cook for us! Yippy! :p

DJ WeiWei intro Elaine!

This clip was created for my last day @ Dell. I am so bless that i have these all lovely Dell's Friends. This is a great clips and it always reminds me about my life in Dell. Love you all. Special thanks to George Lee and HH hehe.. i know was you all idea to make it difference! thanks! MUCK!

Performing @ Dell's Long Service Award 2008!

Thanks you so much that gave me a chance to go back to Dell. I was so happy can perform like this and with all performers.

All was Great Shows! All are Dell Employees! erm beside me, lez & fifi.. :p

Well Done! Happy to feel in these big family again!

Thanks Again! :)

OPS! I forgot to thanks the camera man! haha.. Thanks of ah Wong to take these all great picture for us :) FLAMERS i love you all!

My Third Oil Painting!

Haha! My third oil Painting not really good job. I still thinking to do something on it.. What do you all think? :)


Thanks to my lovely Ah~Fred! Although we been said we have to secret this was your effort because you want me to show these picture to impress others ppl that i'm pretty. I tried to keep secret but i cant because i really want to thank you for edit those picture to let me Look so Pretty. You really my good friend although we not always meet each other. You are a good man! Thanks Again! :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Second Painting

My second Painting was out! I draw it @ my lovely Dee's house. This was my teacher Ms. Leong Dee Yinn teached me and help me :) i love this painting and proud of it! :) yeah! You can do it Elaine! Go GO GO!


Thanks for HH, my SON & my GrandSON.. :) i love this very much! Thansk to my son and grandson for the video shuting and thanks for HH your affect to make this clip for me


My painting! :)

I love to learn new things! Now a days i learned drawing. Oil Painting! hehe... This is my first painting which painted @ Cameron! :) hehe..

Who I Am

I think I’m Strong,
But sometime I’m still weak;
I think I’m Happy,
But sometime I felt sad;
I think I’m easy going person,
But sometime I still can’t let go;


I guess this is HUMAN AND LIFE.
Just be happy to face anything although is good or bad
Everything is Perfect!