Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Miss and Mister Southeast Asia International 2011/12

Last Saturday, myself and my boyfriend both went to Hard Rock Hotel, Penang to have a photo shooting competition on Miss and Mister Southeast Asia International 2011/12. This was my second time attended photo competition.. :p

That day, I was first time took photo with flash, but halfway I gave up to use it and choose to control the white balance from camera... I was confused and nervous while shooting because I kept checked on my photo, kept felt that I dint know how to control the flash and the sun light, even forgot to check the angle while taking the photo, the tips all I learned in the talk by Danny Lee. All pictures either are too bright or under explore. ERrrrr....

But the end of the day, I still excited because I got my 1st collection of the competition product back home. Although that picture not the best one, also not able to get any prize for that event. KAMPATE Elaine!!!

Thanks Too All Sifu who teach me on what Do what Dont!!!
& Answer all my WHY questions.. :D
Thanks to my boyfriend get me into the fun EVENT!! & help me to voice up on that day!
Thanks to ALL!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

My Little Babies play piano~

Two days ago, when all of us (me, my bf and my younger baby~Lele) sit at the living room watch TV, Lillie my elder baby play PIANO again. She play the modern piece with full of expression. Ding ding ding... ding ding~ ding.... lol..

After that we all praised her clever and discuss on how artistic she is, because she know how to dance ballet, Yoga, Singing and now play Piano. Then we started compare Lille and Lele. For Lele only know how to eat and fighting lol...

After the conversation, suddenly the piano start playing again, Ding ding ding ding~ ding ..ding ding... HAHAHA! My younger baby- Lele also go play the piano.. :p He must be heard our conversation, and also listen to how the sister playing, he jump up to piano, and play his songs too.. lol.. Check it out, hope you all love his piece... :)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

My little time off...

Last weekend, I got myself a little time off, that was a GREAT one. I sat down alone, in a tea house, had some little reading on '365 ways to Look-and-Feel-YOUNGER' while I'm waiting for my favorite TOM YAM glass noodle from Lao Sher. Some time I did think of getting some of my old friends sitting around to have chit chat on all non-sense...

After the Delicious meal, I found my source to recharge myself. This is one of the source to recharge my soul. My manager told me that i need to find out where is my source. TOM YAM of Lao Sher is part of the source. :D

Thanks to my Manager-Edwin who is wise and always guide me to correct path.
Thanks to the Universal get me a good people and positive people around me.
Thanks to Lao Sher have a AWESOME Tom Yam recipe!!!


Everything is Perfect! Forgive, Forget and Forgiveness!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My cutie Babies~

Today I would like to share a funny experienced with my elder baby~ Lillie. She normally sleep with us in the same bed room. Every morning, she will buzz me twice in the morning. First time for her Breakfast around 6 to 7am. Second time for her pee around 8am that I have to bring her to her personal toilet.

Yesterday morning, as usual, she asked food from me around 6am, but she did not wake me up for her pee that's odd. Normally, she will just sleep nearby the bed, but yesterday, she slept at another end of the corner of the room which hardly to see her. There was a mess in the room, the noticeboard fall down from the cabinet and papers flied over the place. HAH! Guess what! She scare of me. Scare me to scold her because of the mess. She like a kid, walked slowly to me but yet to near me because she scare me to beat her like his brother~ Lele. The way she struggled make her looks CUTE. I guess, the incident was happened after her breakfast. She was playing around in the room but mistaken flip down the noticeboard on the floor that caused a BIG spams! She know something that not right and she just keep herself away and hide.

I told her that as long as she know what when wrong, and aware on it, I will not beat her or scold her. Because i know the clock cannot turn back and not that she want it happened. Her brother was intentionally to jump on the dining table to find the food, of course I will beat him to let him understand this is not the right things to do.

Suddenly, I felt like a mother with two kids, thinking how to teach them and guide them to be good kids... Hahaha.. Besides, they like Kids, when doing something wrong, their eyes can speak "I am sorry, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me, mom~". They are so cute and gave me a warmed feeling to my heart.

Thanks to the UNIVERSAL, giving me a chance to adopt two little cure babies~Lille & Lele
Thanks to my boyfriend who help me and together take this challenge up to take care of them like our own babies.
Thanks to both of my babies~Lillie & Lele, Accompany us, bring us all the Joy and Love.

Love them MUCH!


Finally I‘ve owned Pets~

After a few years, finally I willing to take up the commitment to take care small little creature- Cats. I was not dare to take care any animals because I was not able to take care myself nor animals. Besides, I was an outgoing person, who workaholic, love to work until late night only will coming back to home. Imagine that how the life going to be if the pets follow the master like I was?

Now I have my own pets, two of them:-

the elder- Lillie; 1 year & 5 months
the younger- Lele; 6 months

Both of them are so adorable, always bring the Happiness, Joyfulness and Warmed to us. But, sometime, they naughty too.

Started last year August. I've adopted a beautiful female cat~Lillie. I love her for first eye. She got a beautiful Blue eyes, White fur, small head which whole looks very Elegant. Her face kept appeared in my mind. The next day, I went to the shop and bring her home in that week. Although she got hearing problem, but still, she is adorable, cleaver and clean girl.

Lele was just come into our family this year 18th June.We met him at one of the Pet's Clinic in Ipoh. The Doctor of the clinic always make sure the stray cats and dogs have a shelter and foods. Lele was one of the lucky one. She make sure they been operation, and also able to have a good owner to adopt them. When we were there, Lele was the outstanding one among of them and he get my bf attention. He have Yellow eyes, with long tails. Welcome him joined to this Happy Family.

Here I would like to give thanks to:-

My boyfriend who gave me a chance to understand Cat from his~Xixi

My Dad who shared with me on How to get close with Cats and How to be friend with them... lol...

Thanks to ALL!!!